Mountain Rose Herbs - wonderful integrity as far as sourcing and sustainability for high quality organic herbs and potion making supplies. I like buying Essential Oils from MR too.
jim mcdonald's website - a wealth of information and a list of his upcoming classes.
The inaugural Great Lakes Herb Faire - this September 11th-13th, 2015. I will be helping coordinate the kids' tent and classes as well as teaching a class on Plantain with my fellow herbalist Tricia Bellew. It will be fun and lots of great education too!!!
John Gallagher's "HerbMentor" - an amazing site about herbs. You can learn soooo much here! There are many courses, video, audio, a forum, and lots of reference material. I believe it is about $10/month and over and above worth it.
Henriette Kress is an herbalist from Finland with a huge and useful online site with lots of reference and great info.
Larken Bunce taught an amazing class on Mental Wellness and Herbs that was absolutely brilliant. Try and hear her speak if you ever get a chance!
Here is the most beautiful handcrafted leatherwork I have ever seen. She is a master craftswoman! She is from Wales and she made this amazing Mistletoe bag for me.
Floracopeia is the other place I like to buy my essential oils (other than Mountain Rose). Ethically sourced and great quality.
Ambelside Online is a free and amazing booklist for home educators with 12 years of study compiled for easy use. Lots of volunteer hours have gone into formulating this extensive booklist. The breadth and scope of these books have made my kids' world wider as they read a plethora of great literature. This is a list of books based on Charlotte Mason education. Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) was an insightful educator who lived in the town of Ambleside in the Lake District of England. This was a time in history where there were work houses in England and child labor and Charlotte Mason advocated for the dignity and personhood of children, as well as bringing lots of beauty, art, and nature into their education. This educational method is based on living books (a heavy literature focus - no textbooks), lots of nature, and a study of art and music (folk songs, dance, composer study, etc.). It is a gentle, brilliant approach with short subjects and lots of beauty involved in the child's studies.
Librivox is an amazing huge list of free audio files of books in the public domain read by volunteers. So many great books!!! Many of the books recommended on the Ambleside Online booklists are available on Librivox.
John Taylor Gatto is one of the best writers to read about vibrant and relevant education. He was a public school teacher for 30 years in New York and he also won the teacher of the year (city and state wide) award. I love his book "A Different Kind of Teacher". He is brilliant and a great and interesting advocate of home education - especially since he was a public school teacher and his reasons have nothing to do with religious beliefs. He did some really innovative things in his classroom, so his book is a great read whatever form of education you enjoy.